Recent Advances in Non-relativistic Quantum Gravity, presentation given at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, November 2021
Recent Advances in Non-relativistic Quantum Gravity, presentation given via Zoom at the Second Joint PRIN Seminar of 2021-22 in Italy, November 2021
Recent Advances in Non-relativistic Quantum Gravity, presentation given at the University of Barcelona, November 2021
New Developments in Non-relativistic String Theory, seminar given via Zoom at the Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany), May 2020
New Developments in Non-relativistic String Theory, seminar given via Zoom at the New York University (NYU), New York (USA), April 2020
New Developments in Non-relativistic String Theory, seminar given via Zoom at the University of Groningen, April 2020
Non-relativistic String Theory and Branes, invited talk given at the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Oxford, November 2019
Non-relativistic String Theory and Branes, invited talk given at the University of Barcelona, November 2019
Non-relativistic Gravity, invited talk given at the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, Edinburgh, October 2019/p>
String Theory and Non-relativistic Gravity, invited talk given in Muenchen, July 2019
Lie Algebra expansions and
Actions for Non-relativistic Gravity, invited talk given in Barcelona, April 2019
Gravity and the planar spin-2 Schroedinger equation, invited talk given at the Niels Bohr institute, Copenhagen, June 2018
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, invited talk given at the university of Toronto, May 2018
Limits of General Relativity, cosmology group seminar given at the Perimeter Institute, Waterloo (Canada), May 2018
Gravity and the planar spin-2 Schroedinger equation, invited talk given at the university of Illinois, Urbana (USA), May 2018
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, invited talk given at the Kadanoff Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, April 2018
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, invited talk given at Virginia Tech University (USA), April 2018
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, Quantum Fields and Strings seminar given at the Perimeter Institute, Waterloo (Canada), April 2018
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, invited talk given at the Masaryk university, Brno (Czechoslovakia), March 2018
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, invited talk given at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (Czechoslovakia), February 2018
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, invited talk given at the Albert-Einstein-Institute (AEI), Potsdam (Germany), February 2018
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, invited talk given at the Radbout Universiteit, Nijmegen, December 2017
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, invited talk given in Tours (France), November 2017
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, invited talk given at the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS), Paris, November 2017
Newton-Cartan Gravity and Torsion, invited talk given at the Laboratoire Astroparticule and Cosmology Institute (APC), Paris, October 2017
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, invited talk given in in Saclay, Paris, October 2017
Newton-Cartan Gravity in Action, invited talk given in Lyon (France), October 2017
Non-relativistic Limits and Massive Gravity, talk given at the Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago (USA), July 2017
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, May 2017
Beyond Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at Texas A& M University in College Station (USA), April 2017
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at the University of Vienna (Austria), March 2017
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at the City College of the CUNY, New York (USA), March 2017
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at the Universitat de Barcelona, January 2017
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at Texas A&M University, College Station (USA), December 2016
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at NYU, New York (USA), December 2016
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, three lectures given at the Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chili, November 2016
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at the Tor Vergata University, Rome (Italy), November 2016
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given in in Padova (Italy), October 2016
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, talk given at the McGill University, Montreal (Canada), March 2016
Supergravity and the Cosmological Constant, talk given in Istanbul, December 2015
Supergravity and the Cosmological Constant, talk given in Uppsala (Sweden), October 2015
Supergravity and the Cosmological Constant, talk given in Mons (Belgium), October 2015
Non-relativistic Gravity, talk given in Amsterdam, September 2015
Non-relativistic Gravity, talk given in Vienna (Austria), May 2015
Supergravity, T-duality and Double Field Theory, talk given in Cambridge (United Kingdom), March 2015
Developments in 3D Gravity, talk given at Brandeis University, Boston (USA), February 2015
Supergravity, T-duality and Double Field Theory, talk given at MIT, Boston (USA), February 2015
Supergravity, T-duality and Double Field Theory, talk given in Barcelona (Spain), February 2015
Exotic Branes and Non-Geometric Fluxes, talk given at Milano Bicocca, Milano (Italy), November 2014
An Update on Massive Gravity, talk given at the Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello (UNAB), Santiago (Chili), November 2013
An Update on Massive Gravity, talk given at the University of Buenos Aires & CONICET, Buenos Aires (Argentina), October 2013
Newton-Cartan Supergravity, talk given in Barcelona (Spain), October 2013
Branes and Geometry, talk given in Hannover (Germany), October 2013
Newton-Cartan Supergravity, invited talk given at the international workshop Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries (SQS’2013), Dubna, Russia, July 2013
Branes and Supergravity, invited talk given in in München, Germany, July 2013
The Supermembrane 25 Years Later, invited talk given in Trieste, Italy, June 2013
A short review of New Massive Gravity, invited talk given at the Università della Sapienza, Rome, November 2012
A Closer Look at Gravity, Physics Colloquium, Groningen, November 2012
A short review of New Massive Gravity, invited talk given at Stanford (USA), November 2012
A Different Look at Massive Gravity , invited talk given at the University of Davis (USA), November 2012
Massive Higher-Derivative Gravity, invited talk given at the IHES, Paris (France), May 2012
New Results on Massive Gravity, invited talk given at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge (United Kingdom), March 2012
Which Symmetries Underly String Theory?, Mathematics Colloquium given in Groningen, February 2012
Branes and Monopoles, invited talk given at King’s College, London, November 2011
Branes and Monopoles, invited talk given in Barcelona (Spain), November 2011
Branes and Monopoles, invited talk given in Madrid (Spain), October 2011
New Results on Supersymmetric Solitons in String Theory, invited talk given in Bruxelles, June 2011
Supersymmetric Solitons, invited talk given at New York University, June 2011
Surprises with Gravity in Three and Four Dimensions, invited talk given at King’s college, London, March 2011
D-Branes and Doubled Geometry, invited talk given in College Station (USA), November 2010
D-Brane Wess-Zumino Terms and U-Duality, invited talk given at Queen Mary College, London, October 2010
Massive (Super-)Gravities in Three Dimensions, invited talk given in Lyon (France), June 2010
Massive Gravity in Three Dimensions, invited talk given at Brandeis University (Boston, USA), April 2010
Massive Gravity in Three Dimensions, invited talk given at MIT (Boston, USA), April 2010
Massive Gravity in Three Dimensions, talk given at the Landelijk Seminarium Theoretical High-Energy Physics, Amsterdam, March 2010
New Massive Gravity in Three Dimensions, invited talk given in Bern (Switserland), September 2009
Superconformal Theories in Three Dimensions, invited talk given in Bhubaneswar (India), January 2009
What is Gravity?, colloquium given in Allahabad (India), January 2009
Superconformal Theories in Three Dimensions, invited talk given in Allahabad (India), January 2009
Supersymmetry in Three Dimensions, invited talk given in College Station (USA), October 2008
Supersymmetry in Three Dimensions, invited talk given in Copenhagen (Denmark), October 2008
Issues in Multiple M2-branes, informal talk given in in Barcelona (Spain), July 2008
The Kac-Moody Approach to Supergravity, invited talk given in Potsdam (Germany), June 2008
The Kac-Moody Approach to Supergravity, invited talk given in Utrecht, June 2008
A Q–world of Branes, invited talk given in Barcelona (Spain), April 2008
The Kac-Moody Approach to Supergravity, invited talk given in in Torino (Italy), April 2008
The Kac-Moody Approach to Supergravity, invited talk given in Leuven (Belgium), February 2008
The Kac–Moody Approach to Supergravity, invited talk given in Amsterdam, October 2007
The Kac–Moody Approach to Supergravity, invited talk given in Pisa (Italy), October 2007
Hidden Symmetries in Supergravity Theories, physics colloquium given in Utrecht, March 2007
Hidden Symmetries in Supergravity Theories, lecture given in Groningen, March 2007
Seven-branes, Instantons and Supersymmetry, invited talk given in Liverpool (United Kingdom), February 2007
Seven-branes, Instantons and Supersymmetry, invited talk given in London (United Kingdom), January 2007
The Challenges of String Theory, colloquium given in Oldenburg (Germany), May 2006
Seven-Branes Revisited, talk given at the Feza Gürsey Institute, Istanbul (Turkey), April 2006
Ten-dimensional Supergravity Revisited, talk given at the Topical Conference on Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology, Coral Gables and Key Biscayne (USA), December 2005
Ten-dimensional Supergravity Revisited, talk given at Columbia University, New York (USA), December 2005
Ten-dimensional Supergravity Revisited, talk given in München (Germany), November 2005
Surprises with String Theory, Mathematics Colloquium, Groningen, June 2005
Branes as Geodesic Motion, talk given at Stanford (USA), April 2005
Branes as Geodesic Motion, talk given at Valencia (Spain), March 2005
Branes as Geodesic Motion, talk given at Madrid (Spain), March 2005
Branes as Geodesic motion, talk given at the “Landelijk Seminarium”, Amsterdam, February 2005
Brane Solutions of Gravity-dilaton-axion Systems, talk given at CERN, Geneva (Switzerland), November, 2004
String theory and Quantumgravity, van derWaals colloquium, September 2004, Eindhoven
Transient Quintessence from Group Manifold Reductions or How All Roads Lead to London, talk given in London, March 2004
Transient Quintessence from Group Manifold Reductions or How All Roads Lead to Paris, talk given in Paris, February 2004
Transient Quintessence from Group Manifold Reductions or How All Roads Lead to Utrecht, talk given in Utrecht, December 2003
Multi-scalar Accelerating Cosmologies from M-theory or How All Roads Lead to Bruxelles, talk given in Bruxelles (Belgium), Novembre 2003
Domain Walls and Gauged Supergravities, talk given in London, May 2003
Strings and Branes, Physics Colloquium, Groningen, May 2003
Domain Walls and Gauged Supergravities, talk given in Amsterdam, April 2003
String Theory and (New) Mathematics, Mathematics Colloquium, Groningen, March 2003
Gauged Supergravities and Domain Walls, talk given in Uppsala, Sweden, February 2003
(Non-)abelian Gauged Supergravities in Nine Dimensions, talk given in College Station, USA, October 2002.
Gauged Supergravities in Nine Dimensions, talk given in Milano (Italy), March 2002
Domain Walls in Nine Dimensions and their Ten-dimensional Origin, talk given in Leuven (Belgium), March 2002
Domain Walls in Nine Dimensions and their Ten-dimensional Origin, talk given in London (United Kingdom), March 2002
DomainWalls in Nine Dimensions and their Ten-dimensional Origin, talk given at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge (United Kingdom), March 2002
The Present Status of the Supermembrane, talk given in Amsterdam, October 2001
Supersymmetric Non-abelian Born-Infeld Revisited, talk given in Ann Arbor (USA), June 2001
Supersymmetric Non-abelian Born-Infeld Revisited, talk given in Göteborg (Sweden), June 2001
The Present Status of the Supermembrane, Ehrenfest colloquium given in Leiden, May 2001
Supersymmetric non-abelian Born-Infeld Revisited, talk given in London (United Kingdom), May 2001
Brane plus Bulk Supersymmetry in Ten Dimensions, talk given in Trieste (Italy), March 2001
The Many Faces of String Theory, talk given at the Graduate School (AIO/OIO) Theoretical High Energy Physics, January 2001
Non-Abelian Born-Infeld and Kappa-Symmetry, talk given in November 2000, Neuchˆatel, Switzerland
The Many Faces of String Theory, colloquium given in April 2000 in Lodz, Poland
Solitons and Extended Objects, presented in October 1999 at the ICTP, Trieste, Italy
On Domain Wall Dualities, presented in April 1999, London, United Kingdom
Spacetime-Filling Branes and Strings with Sixteen Supercharges, presented in March 1999, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
Spacetime-Filling Branes and Strings with Sixteen Supercharges, presented in December 1998, NIKHEF, Amsterdam
Spacetime-Filling Branes and Strings with Sixteen Supercharges, presented in November 1998, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Exotic Branes, presented in May 1998, King’s College, London, United Kingdom
New Results on Super-branes, I and II, presented in March 1998, Seoul, South Korea
From Strings to Branes, presented in March 1998, Seoul, South Korea
From Gravity to Strings and Branes, presented in March 1998, Sydney, Australia
Effective Actions for Superbranes, presented in October 1997, Barcelona, Spain
Snaren versus Membranen, Theoretical Lunch Seminar, June 1997, Groningen, The Netherlands
Intersecting Branes, presented in May 1997, Paris, France
Are Membranes Better than Strings?, presented in May 1997, Paris, France
New Results on D-branes and M-branes, presented in March 1997, Stanford, USA
Extended Object Solutions in String Theory, presented in November 1996, London, United Kingdom
Present Status Of String Theory, presented in December 1996, Freiburg, Germany
Extended Object Solutions in String Theory, presented in November 1996, London, United Kingdom
New Results on Dirichlet–Branes, presented in May 1996, Trieste, Italy
Recent Developments in Supermembrane Theory, presented in April 1996, NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Recent Developments in Supermembrane Theory, presented in April 1996, Berlin, Germany
Recent Developments in Supermembrane Theory, presented in March 1996, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Recent Developments in Supermembrane Theory, presented in March 1996, Stanford, USA
Duality Symmetries and the String Effective Action, A Physicist’s View of W–Algebras and Extended Objects in Particle Physics, 3 talks presented in November 1995, Rome, Italy
Duality Symmetries and the String Effective Action, presented in November 1995, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Duality Symmetries and the String Effective Action, presented in October 1995, London, United Kingdom
A Physicist’s View of W–Algebras, presented in October 1995, Amsterdam
Duality and the String Effective Action, presented in November 1994, London, United Kingdom
A Review of Extended Conformal Symmetries, presented in April 1993, Zeuthen, Germany
Extended Objects in Particle Physics, presented in February 1993, Groningen, The Netherlands
Symmetries of Extended Objects, presented in November 1992, University of Berkeley, USA
A Review of Extended Conformal Symmetries, presented in November 1992, SLAC, Stanford University, USA
Mathematische Eigenschappen van Snaar Theorie, popular talk presented in September 1992, Groningen, The Netherlands
W–Symmetries, presented in August 1992, Copenhagen, Denmark
W–Symmetries: an Overview, presented in May 1992, Utrecht
W–Supergravity, presented in April 1992, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A review of Extended Conformal Symmetries, presented in February 1992, Kaiserslautern, Germany
A review of Extended Conformal Symmetries, presented in February 1992, Bonn, Germany
W–Symmetries, presented in October 1991, Trieste, Italy